Monday, March 30, 2020

Good Monday morning, everyone! I know you are getting started on your assignments on the Teams page. Today’s blog post is going to talk about just three things: 1) Meetings in Microsoft Teams 2) Mystery Class AND 3) Scratch!

  1. Meetings in Microsoft Teams: If you have any questions or problems with your assignments for this week you can always contact me or Mrs. Cote by email, by blog comment, or by using our Teams page. In Teams we can also meet with you by phone or video call; some of you experimented with this last week! These live calls work best with a small group of people, not a whole class. If you would like to talk to one of us directly about your assignments over the next few days, just email the teacher you want to talk to, and we can arrange a call with you. We are going to try setting up a whole class meeting later in the week using a different program that is better for large groups. Keep checking the blog daily and we’ll give you the details about that later.
  2. Mystery Class: In my blog post this Thursday, I’m going to tell you how to submit your guesses for the cities in Journey North Mystery Class. If you haven’t found them all by Thursday, that’s okay! You can just submit the ones you find. After we submit them all, we’ll play a game on Friday to vote on the best guesses! If you haven’t worked on Mystery Class yet, look at item #7 from last Monday’s post for all the links and information you’ll need.
  3. Scratch: I know some of you have tried Scratch and some haven’t yet. If you are looking for something to do while we are out of school, this is a great time to learn (or get better!) If you haven’t chosen a project for your fourth quarter math project yet, a Scratch game or animation would be a great choice!

Scratch is a programming language that lets you create computer games, stories and animations. With a parent’s permission you can set up a free account in Scratch, but you can also use the site as a guest while you’re learning.

The best way to learn Scratch is just to play with it! If you click the Ideas tab at the top of the screen it gives you tutorials for all kinds of different projects.

Once you get some experience with Scratch, you can make some amazing things! Christian made this game in Scratch for his fourth quarter math project. Give it a try! Can you make it to the surprise ending? NOTE: Christian recommends that if possible, you should use Microsoft Edge for your browser while using Scratch. The game might have some issues in Chrome.

You can play the game full screen at this link: Quarter 4 math project: Can you pass 5th grade? You can also preview it below.

Christian also made a tutorial for those of you who would like to code your own game in Scratch! I put it on Youtube if you want to see it full screen. Thanks, Christian!

Video of the day

Have you been seeing hummingbirds around your neighborhood lately? I think I saw at least a dozen of them this weekend! It made me think of this awesome slo-mo video.

Let me know what you think about Scratch in the comments! Try to check in tomorrow for a surprise activity you might remember from class…


16 thoughts on “Monday, March 30, 2020

  1. I made it through the math game. I will work on scratch this week.

    1. Great! If you make something in Scratch that you’d like to share, send it to me and I’ll try it out!

      The math game was a little hard for me, because I’m too uncoordinated to be good at jumping on the platforms! 😂

      1. If your having trouble bouncing onto the higher platforms you can always turn on jetpack mode or change your jump height in settings.

  2. As I was watching the video I realized how much snuffling was in it. Gross!

  3. hello. I enjoyed the game. it was very helpful to see what we need to know

  4. I thinks scratch is a good resource because you can make your own project and if you get stuck you can get help from other people’s projects.

  5. the scratch game was confusing to me a little bit because, i have never coded.

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